Orchestrion Phonograph

A tabletop furnishing with a trumpetesque funnel designed to spread sweet melodies around a given space. ※One orchestrion of any type per estate only.
Orchestrion Phonograph Crafting Log
Crystals |
Fire Crystal (8) |
Earth Crystal (8) |
Materials |
Phonograph Plate (1) |
Manganese Ingot (2) |
Bismuth Ingot (2) |
Phrygian Ingot (2) |
Recipe Details |
Difficulty 3100 Durability 80 Maximum Quality 6800 |
Quality Up to 50% |
Quick Synthesis Unavailable |
Craftsmanship Recommended: 2590 |
HQ Uncraftable |
Orchestrion Phonograph Selling
Price | |
Sells | 30 gil |
Price | No |